Minor Hindu Girl Tortured with Electric Shocks and Force Converted in Pakistan

Extremists in Pakistan stoop to a new low as a leaked video emerges of Islamic clerics torturing a minor Hindu girl forcing her to accept Islam. Incidents like these have become all too common in South Asia, where Hindu girls and women are targeted for forced conversion. These assaults on Hindu women show the inherent misogyny and anti-Hindu bigotry More...

by srisukhada | Published 3 years ago
By sribrahamasukha On Friday, December 17th, 2021

Kolkata Durga Puja Inscribed on UNESCO Intangible Heritage List

On December 15, 2021..the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO in short, has inscribed the Durga Puja in Kolkata on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural More...

By hinduismnow On Friday, January 13th, 2017

Letter from a 14-year-old Indian-American schoolgirl

A letter by Trisha Pasricha of Houston, TX, a 14-year-old school gir, who writes an advice column for kids. It’s 8:00 a.m., and students slowly trickle into Mr. West’s 6th grade history class. The majority More...

By hinduismnow On Saturday, January 7th, 2017

You don’t see toilet seats with Jesus on them, but Hindu deities are still frequently misused

Bathroom mats. Toilet seats. Shoes. Dog tags, All of these items have, in recent years, gone on sale adorned with images of Hindu deities, particularly that of Ganesha, known most commonly in the West for his elephant More...

By Moksha On Monday, November 21st, 2016

69 Year Old Monk Who Conquered the West: Sri Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada

When Swami Prabhupada landed in New  York in 1965 at the ripe age of 69 after taking Sanyas on a free ticket on a freight ship called the Jaladutta, he knew nobody in the US.  His trip was not sponsored by any More...

By hinduismnow On Sunday, October 23rd, 2016

Hindu childbirth ceremonies in Trinidad and Tobago

By Dr. Kumar Mahabir In the Ramayana, the Hindu scripture written in 500 BC in India, the chatti [sixth-day childbirth ceremony] of Lord Rama, the son of a king, is described lyrically: “There was happy music More...

By Moksha On Thursday, February 11th, 2016

The Story of the Islamic Conquest: Know Your History to Avoid Repeating It

Is Islam a religion of peace? Does Terrorism Have a Religion? Aren’t terrorists only a small percentage of Muslims?  To understand what is happening to India and the world today, we need to study the history More...

By Moksha On Friday, February 5th, 2016

Hindus are the Happiest among all People; Atheists Unhappiest: New UK Govt. Study

Of all the faiths in the UK, Hindus are the happiest, scoring well above the national average, according to data compiled by the Office for National Statistics over the last 4 years in the UK and published a couple More...

By Moksha On Sunday, June 21st, 2015

Stunning Images of The International Day of Yoga from Around the World

No comments on this post. Just images. Enjoy Yoga day Eiffel Tower, Paris France Yoga Day at the Eiffel Tower, Paris France Chennai Yoga day Practice for Yoga day at Chennai, India Yoga Day Rajpath New More...

By admin On Saturday, November 15th, 2014

India’s UN Resolution on Yoga Gets Record Backing of 130 Countries

Yoga is the largest practiced religion in the world. This UN resolution is a great recognition to Patanjali, the father of Yoga – who is often represented with the body of a snake to indicate both the More...