5 Things that make Hinduism Hinduism
The vastness of Hinduism has long stumped the western historians and theologians with their limited exposure to India and linear modes of thinking. Consequently us Indians who have drunk the western cool-aid too are confused about ourselves. So much so that many of us have declared that Hinduism is not a religion but a "way of life". Or More...
Puranas are not Mythology: They are Subjective Truths
Apart from scriptures such as Upanishads and the Gita, the 18 Puranas are a core part of Hinduism. Much of the abuse Hinduism has suffered is because of the wrong understandings of our Puranas. They are wrongly More...
Life After Death: Conclusive Proof from the University of Southampton
Science Daily: Latest study published by the University of Southampton a few days back analyzing the experience of 330 patients who were resuscitated from cardiac arrest shows conclusively More...
What India Can Teach The Rest Of The World About Living Well
The Huffington Post | By Carolyn Gregoire Posted: 11/11/2013 10:05 am EST The link to this story on Huffington Post is here Images are taken from the original article and are sourced from Getty. India More...
Krishna – The Greatest Happening on Planet Earth – Swami Nithyananda
Krishna – GREATEST HAPPENING ON PLANET EARTH! (excerpt from Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s earlier Krishna Janmashtami talk) I will now introduce the greatest happening called Krishna! I can go on introducing More...
Religious Persecution Around the World – the Only Solution is Oneness
In this article we focus on religious persecution against Muslims worldwide Universalism is a fundamental underlying principle of Hinduism – the absolutely indisputable idea that we are all part of the Oneness More...