How movies embraced Hinduism (without you even noticing) : The Guardian

The idea that propels the plots is that there is a universal super-consciousness that transcends time and space, and in which all human life is connected – has been around for about 3,000 years. It is Vedic.   When the film Interstellar’s astronaut hero (Matthew McConaughey), declares that the mysterious and all-knowing “they” who created More...

by Moksha | Published 7 years ago
By rajivmalhotra On Sunday, January 1st, 2017

Stereotyping Hinduism In American Education

This essay is based on an inquiry in which I wondered why: Hindu kids and even adults in America are apologetic about their religion, generally preferring to distance themselves from it and keep quiet about it. Educational More...

By Moksha On Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

Please Sign this Petition: The Future of Hinduism Depends on it

Background: Over the past centuries starting with Max Muller, the study of Sanskrit has migrated to the west and little Sanskrit study is done in India by Indians. This has been, according to Rajiv Malhotra, the More...

By Moksha On Sunday, January 17th, 2016

President Obama has an Idol of Lord Hanuman to Bring him Luck

First it was Mark Zuckerberg who faced the backlash from Adarsh liberals when he told how a visit to Karori Baba’s ashram had helped him guide Facebook through a difficult phase. Earlier, another tech giant More...

By Moksha On Saturday, July 4th, 2015

On Separating Hinduism and India

Why is it dangerous to separate India and Hinduism?  Because that is exactly the divide and conquer policy of the British that got us to this state in the first place. Playing people against each other. The latest More...

By Moksha On Saturday, June 27th, 2015

Hinduism on Gender Identity and Homosexuality

The recent ruling by the US Supreme court legitimizing Gay and Lesbian marriages has been criticized by the Christian Church and conservatives. Hinduism on the other hand has always held a very liberal view of More...

By Moksha On Saturday, February 28th, 2015

The War on Yoga: And So It Begins..

I have noticed, recently a concerted surge in the attacks against Yoga. Many old false stories against yoga are a being dug up and new ones are being created. Slowly different people from around the More...

By Moksha On Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

President of the US Obama Extends Warmest Wishes for Diwali

I want to wish a Happy Diwali to all those who are celebrating the festival of lights here in the United States and around the world.  For Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, lighting the lamp—the diya—is More...

By Moksha On Friday, October 10th, 2014

Rudram Chanting at the White House: Perfect Rendition by the American Duo

While most "secular" Indians would not want this in the Rāśtrapati Bhavan, Śrī Rudram being chanted at the White House. Who'd have ever thought- And these young, white American men do it so beautifully. More...

By Moksha On Saturday, March 15th, 2014

Wall Street says ‘Om’ : CNN Money

Meditation grows popular at high stress wall-street firms say CNN Money. Long, grueling hours remain part of the job description in the financial world. Looks like getting back to the source is the only way More...