She quit her corporate job and rode 30,000km covering 16 states to prove how India is safe for women: HerStory
“I want to send a message out there to all who say India is an unsafe country for women, that it’s definitely not so. Having travelled alone extensively, I negate that line with my full will. That doesn’t More...
The Fundamental Conflict in Indian Nationhood: Gandhism vs Hinduism
This is THE basic conflict between what the Sickulars preach and what Hinduism says. Allowing yourself to be killed is suicide and is a sin. Gandhi and his followers in the Congress and the AAP and so on do not More...
The Only Thing All Hindus Agree on: The Primordial Sound OM
There is only one or two things that all Hindu Traditions agree. Hinduism is such a vast collection of religions. So much of research and development done, we don’t have to agree on anything. Agreeing looks More...
A New Exposé of Mother Teresa Shows that She was Worse than We Thought
June 25, 2016 First Christopher Hitchens took her down, then we learned that her faith wasn’t as strong as we thought, and now a new study from the Université de Montréal is poised to completely destroy More...
Yoga Day: 3 Revelations on Yoga that People Need to Know, But Haven’t Been Told
Speaking on the occasion of the International Day of Yoga at the holy city of Varanasi today, Paramahamsa Nithyananda revealed three powerful truths about that Yoga that he said people needed to know but haven’t More...
Morgan Freeman Solves the Problem of Racism, Caste-ism and so on in 1 minute
Compare this with what Kanhaiya kumar and the sickular vote bank based parties do. They keep incessantly talking about it to keep the problem alive. Not to solve it. Applying the label Dalit to each situation More...
What is big deal about The Upanishads? How are they different from the books of other religions?
Let us face it. Most Hindus have never read the Upanishads. They know that they are sacred and good and all that.. but have never read a single line of the Vedas or the Upanishads. Many can’t even name the More...
Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs: Yet Another Way Meat Eating is Killing this Planet
Leave aside the sheer cruelty of the meat industry: How billions of living beings are being subject to the most inhumane treatments. Not being allowed to live a real life, but being born, grown and murdered in a More...
Advanced Indian Sciences: The Temple with the Mysterious Shadow
The Chaya Someshwar (or the Shiva of Shadow), an unknown temple near Hyderabad from more than a 1000 years ago demonstrates the phenomenal understanding of the science of optics by the architects and Rishis of More...
Interview of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on the World Culture Festival
Interviewer: Did you receive the invitation to the World Culture Festival? What do you think about the event? Paramahamsa Nithyananda: I support the event as it will bring about more interaction between the world More...