Published On: Tue, Mar 15th, 2022

Minor Hindu Girl Tortured with Electric Shocks and Force Converted in Pakistan

Extremists in Pakistan stoop to a new low as a leaked video emerges of Islamic clerics torturing a minor Hindu girl forcing her to accept Islam. Incidents like these have become all too common in South Asia, where Hindu girls and women are targeted for forced conversion. These assaults on Hindu women show the inherent misogyny and anti-Hindu bigotry that exists within South Asian society.

The minor Hindu girl was kidnapped from her family under the guise of riding her from “demonic spirits” and by “saving” her by accepting Islam. The girl looks traumatized in the leaked video as the Islamist men show her a taser as if she has been previously attacked using electric shocks. The men laugh and show zero remorse for their barbaric actions as the girl succumbs to the torture and is seen reciting Islamic chants at the end as she is forced into conversion.

Minor Hindu Girl Torchered with Electric Shocks and Force Converted in Pakistan

Pakistan has a history of anti-Hindu crimes which involve the kidnappings of thousands of Hindu girls every year, who are married off to their abductors, and then force converted into Islam. The genocide and religious erasure of Hindus started with this same barbaric tactic over a thousand years ago, which continues till this day. These are not random numbers but recorded incidents that are verified by multiple human rights organizations and international outlets.

The Indigenous Hindu population of Pakistan went from being the majority to an extremely small minority just within the last few centuries. The population of Hindus continues to decline dramatically by the day in Pakistan as they face religious persecution, kidnappings, and forced conversions. The decline is extremely concerning and if this trend continues, there is a huge threat of possible extinction of Hindus of Pakistan within the next decade.

Apart from the physical violence and persecution Hindus face, Pakistani laws and the judiciary are extremely unfavorable to Hindus. The Pakistani legal system has “blasphemy laws” which are used heavily against the minority Hindu community. If anyone claims or deems that a Hindu committed “blasphemy” against Islam, they can be prosecuted in court and given severe punishments including the death sentence. These “blasphemy laws” are barbaric and are used to silence the minority Hindu community from standing up for themselves in fear of getting prosecuted for false “blasphemy” claims.

It is painful to see minor Hindu girls being kidnapped and forcibly converted against their will. Is this what society has come to? Religious fanaticism is leading innocent girls from being able to live life and practice a spiritual tradition as per their wish. Shoving anyone’s religion down anyone’s throat is barbaric, inhumane, and criminal. The Hindu community must stand up against such anti-Hindu atrocities happening all around South Asia and the world.

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