500 Temples destroyed in 100 days in Tamil Nadu
500 Temples destroyed in 100 days in Tamil Nadu It has been nothing short of devastating, a devastating year for Hindu Temples in Tamil Nadu, a non-stop stream of reports of Hindu Temples demolished. Resulting now in 500 Hindu Temples having been destroyed in just 100 days – unfathomable destruction of Hindu life and property in Tamil Nadu. Temples are disappearing before our eyes and while we are sleeping. Whether by encroachment, demolition, bankruptcy, arson, persecution, lawfare, several Temples each day are disappearing from the lives of Hindus. Each one of us take one moment to see if Sanatana Hindu Dharma is eternal. “It will be eternally there!”, we all say, then what need is there to do anything at all about open Hindumisia and persecution of Hindus daily. Just do this one thing – See how much Hinduism was a living experience during your great grandfather and grandfather’s period. How much the ecosystem and life, lifestyle was alive and being practiced. But see now for yourself and your kids. The difference is stark – and should be haunting. Now…tell whether Hinduism can be destroyed or not. Already we are not living it, and our children? Any chance at all for that? Then what about 5 more Temples gone each day? We ask for proof. The proof is our kids are not standing strong as Hindus, what more proof can there be? Hinduism is almost ready to be alive only in the museum.