Published On: Sun, Dec 11th, 2016

The Magnificent Kailasha Temple at Ellora

400,000 Tonnes of Rock were removed – top down – from a SINGLE giant hill to built the Kailasa Temple at Ellora. And in just 18 years! And there is no record of such a massive undertaking recorded anywhere in history.. and certainly not in our communist written history books. This video says just the removal of rock – assuming they took no holidays or had rainy days – or allowing them for time to do the intricate carving would require 5 tons of rock to be removed EVERY HOUR non stop for 18 years – a virtually impossible task even with modern machines. And given that the rock is cut top down, every detail – including connecting bridges – had to be planned before and executed to perfection since there is no room for error.

Aurangazeb ordered 1000 workers destroy the temple in 1682 but after 3 years, they could only do very minimal damage to few statutes. Archaeologists say this Kailasa temple was built before ANY other temple in the Ellora temple complex and it is totally different from any other temple. But it is carved with engineering perfection different from any other temple in the complex – which would not be the case if technology got better over the years.
One of the many mysteries of ancient India that points to our extremely advanced past. What all did they know that we are ignorant of? And what message were they trying to tell us with this indestructible massive undertaking of a lifetime? Are we listening?

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