Crimes Against Dailits: Statistics Shows the Truth and the Hype
Once again statistics shows the truth, while one-off anecdotes and fantasy stories abound in the mainstream Indian media and Adarsh Liberals’ facebook pages. I wish the caste obsessed Kanhaiyas would take some time to learn math instead of staging fake protests.
In 2014, A total of 72,29,193 cognizable crimes comprising 28,51,563 Indian Penal Code (IPC) crimes and 43,77,630 Special & Local Laws (SLL) crimes were reported
If we take a glance at the crimes against SC/ST, the total of 58,515 cases of crime committed against SC/STs were reported.
This amounts to 0.8% of total cases filed. That is, of the total crimes committed in the country, 0.8% were against SC/STs.
In India, SC/STs together are nearly 24% of the population.
Yes, go through the statistics once again.
I know. If you are used to the Print or TV media, you’d be mighty surprised by now.
Read the statistics again. The data is taken from NCRB, you can verify it yourselves.
Communists know that there are only a handful little who care to think. Even those who do, rarely spare a critical analysis over what they’re listening to or watching in mainstream media. And still rare are those who analyse the statistics and make informed conclusions out of it.
And that’s the biggest reason why there’s a tsunami of hue and cries over ‘Dalit Atrocity’ in the country.
There is a reality and then there is a manufactured reality – the one conjured by the Left and dished out to us through TV and print media.
We vote based on this manufactured reality and thus seal the future of our kids, and ourselves.
Unfortunate as it is, Caste disparity is a historical truth of the Indian society. How and when it started is a matter of another discourse.
But there’s been a magnificent amount of work done in past century to end these disparities. Even today, the campaign for social equality continues.
However, the left wants power- not equality. And for that power, it needs to fragment a society into hundreds of splinters. Once that’s done the communists makes each splinter believe that only they, the communists, can safeguard their interests and protect them.
As 24% of the population, SC/STs are a big fragment and thus the commies are desperate for their control. And that’s the reason why they’re leveraging the power of media to create a hype of ‘Dalit Atrocities’. The Pro-Indic, or the so called ‘right wing’ of India is such a simpleton that they’ve failed to expose such a huge fraud by the communists.
And now there’s a spurt of SC/ST leaders who’re benefiting from all this personally. So instead of bringing out the truth they’re taking sides with the communists.
Truth, as data reveals, is that crimes against SC/STs is negligible compared to total crimes in the country given their population share. We must aim to eradicate this completely instead of swinging by left fueled hysteria and driving the wedge deeper.
But unless we bring out this truth, our nation is bound to get destroyed. And once that happens, it’s the downtrodden section of the society – mostly the SC/STs that’re going to suffer the most.
Because when a nation breaks, it’s the poor and downtrodden who have to suffer the most.