Published On: Tue, Nov 10th, 2015

Is Euthanasia Condoned? – Views on Hinduism

“Mercy killing”, euthanasia, is not encouraged and supported in Vedic Tradition.  In any form, saying “NO” to life is not encouraged.”


Third verse of Ishavasya Upanishad:

असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः ।

ताँस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥

asuryā nāme te lokā andhena tamasā’vṛtāḥ |

tāṁs te pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātma-hano janāḥ || 3 ||


‘The various abodes of the Asuras, the lower level existence, are in the form of inferior or lower grade worlds, which are like hells coerced by darkness, representing all the negative qualities, collectively called “thamas”.  Those who literally kill the Athma become ghosts who inhabit such horrible abodes, and, this, they continue to do repeatedly.’


Listen!  People who say “YES” to life, what will happen to them was described in the last verses.  Now, people who say “NO” to life, what will happen to them is getting described.

Listen!  Whenever you entertain “NO” to life, first, always, “NO” is entertained as frustration.  Then it evolves as anger, violence, self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial; all this is various expressions.  But, it starts as frustration.  So, I tell you, one of the important qualities to say “YES” to life is tremendous patience.  Listen!  Tremendous patience!  YES!  YES!  YES!  Every time YES!

Killing yourself due to some pain or suffering, means: committing suicide, or killing yourself with the help of professionals, doctors – euthanasia, or assisting somebody to kill themselves, all this is wrong as per Upanishads.  Hindus should neither allow “mercy killing” on themselves, nor practice euthanasia.  Please understand!  Of course, in Hindu Tradition, we don’t have the tradition of issuing “fathwa” (religious decree or command); we only reveal the truth, and people follow it.  As per the Upanishads, euthanasia, “mercy killing”, is not encouraged or allowed.  Even if the worst suffering is happening, go through life.  Because, even those sufferings will be teaching you something and making you to reinvent yourself in the next birth!  Don’t avoid any lesson which life brings you.  Don’t say “NO” to life in whatever way life presents itself to you.  So, learn to say “YES” to life.  Reinvent yourself by saying a powerful “YES” to life!

Also it is recommend that all the Hindus not to practice euthanasia, not to do it even as part of your profession.  Whenever the countries where the “mercy killing” is allowed, whenever you are asked to assist by a patient, recuse yourself showing religious reasons.  And, euthanasia should not be practiced by a “practicing Hindu”.  Please understand, in Hindu Tradition, you don’t become Hindu by birth. You become Hindu only when you start practicing it!  So, this gives the clear understanding.  Anybody practices is Hindu.  This gives a powerful opening.  Anybody practices is Hindu.  So, understand, no question of saying “NO” to life.  Even if life presents itself to you in the way you are not able to tolerate, NO!  So, as Hindus, all of you, even in your Will, should mention very clearly that every possible available intelligence, energy, resource should be used to keep you alive as long as possible.

euthanasia photo for hinduism now

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